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Clean Rivers - Smart Cities 

Clean Rivers

“Environmental protection” has a relatively young history in industrial nations. In the
1970-ies the expression “environmental protection” was implemented for the first time Discussions about the bad impact of the industrialization on the environment raised. Headlines such as “forest dieback” and “acid rain” appeared in the daily news. The awareness of the general public was woken. Peopled went demonstrating for clean water, air and food on the street. “Green parties” moved into the parliaments.
The development of the industrial nations during the last 40 years shows that there is a turning away from the traditional way of producing energy and products.

River pollution is beside the air pollution one of the most severe environmental threat in China. Millions of people live along, with and from the rivers. Especially the mining industry is one of the largest polluter.
In Central China, in the Henan Province, around Lingabo City, seven large rivers discharge into the Yellow River. All seven rivers are highly polluted by the activities if the gold mining industry. Contaminated sediments are transported permanent into the yellow river and destroy the livelihood of fishers and farmers.
In collaboration with the office for landscape architecture in Beijing, Modul 16, greenKon developed a holistic approach for the remediation of the seven rivers for the mayor of Lingbao submitted in 2014 a complete master plan for "Clean Rivers".



Factories were equipped with combustion gas desulfurization. The governments started to invest in the projected development of renewable energy.

China's situation today can be compared with the situation of the industrial nations in the 1970-ies. It is on time to implement environmental protection measures in order to ensure a safe and healthy environment with clean air, water and safe nutrition. The industrial nations with 40 years of experiences in “environmental protection” are able to transfer knowledge and best practice to China


Smart Cities


The building and infrastructure sector is one of the largest energy consumers in China. To cover this increasing energy demand for the production of building material is already today one of the largest challenges for the country. The production of building material has to become more efficient, less energy consuming and more sustainable. “Less is more” - there is a need for the development of a new generation of high quality construction material, which requires a reduced amount of raw material. For example one third of cement could be saved by using modern technologies and special concrete mixtures.

Urbanisation is one of the man objectives of the Chinese politics. More than 50% of the Chinese population live in urban areas and benefit from the improvement of life quality. And the migration into cities persists. Due to this development the demand on sufficient living, working space, and transport infrastructure is increasing. Large business and residential complexes dominate the cityscape of modern Chinese metropolises. Every day new tower buildings are raised, numerous kilometres of underground transport occur beneath the towns, new highways cross the cities and the country side. However the lifetime of the building and transport infrastructure is in general much lower than in western countries.

During the years in China several greenkon activities were related to the topic "Smart Cities in China". greenkon developed together with the architecture office "purple leaf" and the company "German Biogas"a concept for "Smart Cities".